
Examples › Handling row clicks

Click on a row to see it in action:
Sipes Inc280 Rigoberto DivideTwin FallsMT
Runolfsdottir - Cummerata102 Konopelski GreensMissouri CityKY
Johnston LLC230 Julie LakeHartfordKY
Crist and Sons3387 Blick TurnpikeAttleboroWV
Schmidt and Sons286 Leif LockColliervilleAL
Nicolas Group09622 Marcel PlaceHighlandOR
Kub and Sons8699 Upton FordsEast ProvidenceIN
Jakubowski - Rolfson191 O'Connell GreensSan RafaelMA
Welch - Tremblay31622 Isobel FallOlatheAR
Mueller, Hodkiewicz and Beahan21751 Elisa VillageGrand PrairieWA
No records
Provide a handler called onRowClick to the DataTable component, like so:
columns={[{ accessor: 'name' }, { accessor: 'streetAddress' }, { accessor: 'city' }, { accessor: 'state' }]}
onRowClick={(company, rowIndex, event) => {
title: 'Company information',
children: (
<Text size="sm">
You clicked on row[{rowIndex}], referring to company <em>{}</em>.
<br />
{event.shiftKey && (
You pressed the <Code>Shift</Code> key when clicking.
<br />
{event.ctrlKey && (
You pressed the <Code>Ctrl</Code> key when clicking.
<br />
{event.altKey && (
You pressed the <Code>Alt</Code> key when clicking.
<br />
{event.metaKey && (
You pressed the <Code>Meta</Code> key when clicking.
<br />
<Button sx={{ width: '100%', maxWidth: 100 }} onClick={() => closeAllModals()}>
If you need more granularity, consider using an onCellClick handler instead.

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