
Component properties

Mantine DataTable component is written in TypeScript and its properties are well documented with additional JSDoc annotations, so you can harness the full power of your IDE to build type safe applications with confidence.
Here are the type definitions:
import type { DefaultProps, MantineShadow, MantineTheme, ScrollAreaProps, Sx, TableProps } from '@mantine/core';
import type { CSSProperties, Key, MouseEvent, ReactNode, RefObject } from 'react';
import type {
} from './';
import type { DataTableColumnProps } from './DataTableColumnProps';
import type { DataTableLoaderProps } from './DataTableLoaderProps';
export type DataTableProps<T> = {
* Table height; defaults to `100%`
height?: string | number;
* Minimum table height
minHeight?: string | number;
* `DataTable` component shadow
shadow?: MantineShadow;
* If true, columns will have vertical borders
withColumnBorders?: boolean;
* Table border color, applied to the outer border, the header bottom border, and the pagination
* footer top border; defaults to
* `(theme) => (theme.colorScheme === 'dark' ? theme.colors.dark[4] : theme.colors.gray[3])`
borderColor?: string | ((theme: MantineTheme) => string);
* Row border color; defaults to
* `(theme) => (theme.fn.rgba(theme.colorScheme === 'dark' ? theme.colors.dark[4] : theme.colors.gray[3], 0.65))`
rowBorderColor?: string | ((theme: MantineTheme) => string);
* If true, the user will not be able to select text
textSelectionDisabled?: boolean;
* Vertical alignment for row cells; defaults to `center`
verticalAlignment?: DataTableVerticalAlignment;
* If true, will show a loader with semi-transparent background, centered over the table
fetching?: boolean;
* If true, the last column will be pinned to the right side of the table.
pinLastColumn?: boolean;
* Default column props; will be merged with column props provided to each column
defaultColumnProps?: DataTableDefaultColumnProps<T>;
* If you want to use drag and drop as well as toggle to reorder and toggle columns
* provide a unique key which will be used to store the column order in localStorage.
storeColumnsKey?: string | undefined;
* A default render function for all columns; accepts the current record, its index in `records`
* and the column accessor
defaultColumnRender?: (record: T, index: number, accesor: string) => ReactNode;
* Accessor to use as unique record key; can be a string representing a property name
* or a function receiving the current record and returning a unique value.
* If you're providing a string, you can use dot-notation for nested objects property drilling
* (i.e. `` or ``);
* defaults to `id`
idAccessor?: string | ((record: T) => Key);
* Visible records; the `DataTable` component will try to infer its row type from here
records?: T[];
* Text to show on empty state and pagination footer when no records are available
noRecordsText?: string;
* If true, the table will not show the header with column titles
noHeader?: boolean;
* Function to call when a row cell is clicked
onCellClick?: DataTableCellClickHandler<T>;
* Function to call when a row is clicked, receiving the current record, its index in `records` and the click event
onRowClick?: (record: T, recordIndex: number, event: MouseEvent) => void;
* Function to call when the DataTable is scrolled to top
onScrollToTop?: () => void;
* Function to call when the DataTable is scrolled to bottom
onScrollToBottom?: () => void;
* Function to call when the DataTable is scrolled to left
onScrollToLeft?: () => void;
* Function to call when the DataTable is scrolled to right
onScrollToRight?: () => void;
* Defines a context-menu to show when user right-clicks or clicks on a row
rowContextMenu?: DataTableContextMenuProps<T>;
* Defines the row expansion behavior
rowExpansion?: DataTableRowExpansionProps<T>;
* Optional class name passed to each row; can be a string or a function
* receiving the current record and its index as arguments and returning a string
rowClassName?: string | ((record: T, recordIndex: number) => string | undefined);
* Optional style passed to each row; can be a CSS properties object or
* a function receiving the current record and its index as arguments and returning a CSS properties object
rowStyle?: CSSProperties | ((record: T, recordIndex: number) => CSSProperties | undefined);
* Optional style passed to each row; see
rowSx?: Sx;
* Optional function returning an object of custom attributes to be applied to each row in the table.
* Receives the current record and its index as arguments.
* Useful for adding data attributes, handling middle-clicks, etc.
customRowAttributes?: (record: T, recordIndex: number) => Record<string, unknown>;
* Ref pointing to the scrollable viewport element; useful for imperative scrolling
scrollViewportRef?: RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
* Additional props passed to the underlying `ScrollArea` element
scrollAreaProps?: Omit<ScrollAreaProps, 'classNames' | 'styles' | 'onScrollPositionChange'>;
* Ref pointing to the table body element
bodyRef?: ((instance: HTMLTableSectionElement | null) => void) | RefObject<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
} & Pick<TableProps, 'striped' | 'highlightOnHover' | 'horizontalSpacing' | 'verticalSpacing' | 'fontSize'> &
DefaultProps<'root' | 'header' | 'footer' | 'pagination', CSSProperties>,
'unstyled' | 'p' | 'px' | 'py' | 'pt' | 'pb' | 'pl' | 'pr'
> &
DataTableColumnProps<T> &
DataTableOuterBorderProps &
DataTableLoaderProps &
DataTableEmptyStateProps &
DataTablePaginationProps &
DataTableSortProps &
import type { DataTableColumn } from './DataTableColumn';
import type { DataTableColumnGroup } from './DataTableColumnGroup';
export type DataTableColumnProps<T> =
| {
* Grouped columns
groups: readonly DataTableColumnGroup<T>[];
columns?: never;
| {
* Visible columns
columns: DataTableColumn<T>[];
groups?: never;
import type { DataTableColumn } from './DataTableColumn';
export type DataTableDefaultColumnProps<T> = Omit<
'accessor' | 'hidden' | 'visibleMediaQuery' | 'render'
import type { MantineTheme, Sx } from '@mantine/core';
import type { CSSProperties, ReactNode } from 'react';
import type { DataTableColumnTextAlignment } from './DataTableColumnTextAlignment';
export type DataTableColumn<T> = {
* Column accessor; you can use dot-notation for nested objects property drilling
* (i.e. `` or ``)
accessor: string;
* Optional column header title; if not present, one will be generated by "humanizing"
* the provided column accessor
* (i.e. `firstName` -> `First name`; `user.firstName` -> `User first name`)
title?: ReactNode;
* Custom cell data render function accepting the current record and its index in `records`
render?: (record: T, index: number) => ReactNode;
* Column text alignment; defaults to `left`
textAlignment?: DataTableColumnTextAlignment;
* If true, column will be sortable
sortable?: boolean;
* If set to true, the column can be dragged.
draggable?: boolean;
* If set to true, the column can be toggled.
toggleable?: boolean;
* If set to true, the column can be resized.
resizable?: boolean;
* If set to true, the column will be toggled by default.
defaultToggle?: boolean;
* Optional node providing the user with filtering options.
* If present, a filter button will be added to the column's header. Upon clicking that button,
* a pop-over showing the provided node will be opened.
* Alternatively, a function returning a node can be provided. The function receives props with a `close`
* method which allows programmatically closing the pop-over.
* ```tsx
* // …
* columns={[
* {
* accessor: 'name',
* filter: ({ close }) => {
* return <Stack>
* <Button onClick={() => { setFilter(undefined); close(); }}>Reset</Button>
* </Stack>
* },
* }
* ]}
* // …
* ```
* Note: this property only takes care of rendering the node which provides the filtering options.
* It is assumed that the actual filtering is performed somewhere in user code.
filter?: ReactNode | ((filterProps: { close: () => void }) => ReactNode);
* If true, filter icon will be styled differently to indicate the filter is in effect.
filtering?: boolean;
* Desired column width
width?: string | number;
* If true, column will not be visible
hidden?: boolean;
* If set, the column will only be visible according to the specified media query
visibleMediaQuery?: string | ((theme: MantineTheme) => string);
* Optional class name passed to the column title
titleClassName?: string;
* Optional style passed to the column title
titleStyle?: CSSProperties;
* Optional style passed to the column title; see
titleSx?: Sx;
* Optional class name passed to each data cell in the column; can be a string or a function
* receiving the current record and its index as arguments and returning a string
cellsClassName?: string | ((record: T, recordIndex: number) => string | undefined);
* Optional style passed to each data cell in the column; can be a CSS properties object or
* a function receiving the current record and its index as arguments and returning a CSS properties object
cellsStyle?: CSSProperties | ((record: T, recordIndex: number) => CSSProperties | undefined);
* Optional style passed to each data cell in the column; see
cellsSx?: Sx;
* Optional function returning an object of custom attributes to be applied to each cell in the column.
* Receives the current record and its index as arguments.
* Useful for adding data attributes, handling middle-clicks, etc.
customCellAttributes?: (record: T, recordIndex: number) => Record<string, unknown>;
* Optional column footer content; if at least one column has a footer, the table will display a footer row
footer?: ReactNode;
* Optional class name passed to the column footer
footerClassName?: string;
* Optional style passed to the column footer
footerStyle?: CSSProperties;
* Optional style passed to the column footer; see
footerSx?: Sx;
} & (
| {
* If true, cell content in this column will be truncated with ellipsis as needed and will not wrap
* to multiple lines.
* (i.e. `overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis`; `white-space: nowrap`)
* On a column you can either set this property or `noWrap` but not both.
ellipsis?: boolean;
noWrap?: never;
| {
ellipsis?: never;
* If true, cell content in this column will not wrap to multiple lines
* (i.e. `white-space: nowrap`)
* On a column you can either set this property or `ellipsis` but not both.
noWrap?: boolean;
import type { Sx } from '@mantine/core';
import type { CSSProperties, ReactNode } from 'react';
import type { DataTableColumn } from './DataTableColumn';
export type DataTableColumnGroup<T> = {
* Used as the `key` prop for the created `<th />`.
id: string;
* Component to render inside the column group header
title?: ReactNode;
* Columns which are part of the group.
columns: readonly DataTableColumn<T>[];
className?: string;
sx?: Sx;
style?: CSSProperties;
export type DataTableColumnTextAlignment = 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
export type DataTableVerticalAlignment = 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom';
import type { MantineNumberSize } from '@mantine/core';
export type DataTableOuterBorderProps =
| {
withBorder?: never;
borderRadius?: never;
| {
* If true, table will have border
withBorder: boolean;
* Table border radius
borderRadius?: MantineNumberSize;
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
export type DataTableEmptyStateProps =
| {
* Content to show when no records are available; the provided content
* will be overlaid and centered automatically
emptyState?: ReactNode;
noRecordsIcon?: never;
| {
emptyState?: never;
* Icon to show when no records are available
noRecordsIcon?: ReactNode;
import type { DefaultMantineColor, MantineNumberSize, MantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
export type DataTableLoaderProps = {
* Loader background blur (in pixels)
loaderBackgroundBlur?: number;
} & (
| {
loaderSize?: never;
loaderVariant?: never;
loaderColor?: never;
* Custom loader component to use instead of default one
customLoader?: ReactNode;
| {
* Loader size; defaults to `lg`
loaderSize?: MantineNumberSize;
* Loader variant
loaderVariant?: MantineTheme['loader'];
* Loader color
loaderColor?: DefaultMantineColor;
customLoader?: never;
import type { MantineColor, MantineNumberSize, MantineSize } from '@mantine/core';
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
import type { DataTablePageSizeSelectorProps } from './DataTablePageSizeSelectorProps';
export type DataTablePaginationProps = (
| {
page?: never;
onPageChange?: never;
totalRecords?: never;
recordsPerPage?: never;
paginationColor?: never;
paginationSize?: never;
loadingText?: never;
paginationText?: never;
paginationWrapBreakpoint?: never;
getPaginationControlProps?: never;
| {
* Current page number (1-based); if provided, a pagination component is shown
page: number;
* Callback fired after change of each page
onPageChange: (page: number) => void;
* Total number of records in the dataset
totalRecords: number | undefined;
* Number of records per page
recordsPerPage: number;
* Pagination component size; defaults to `sm`
paginationSize?: MantineSize;
* Pagination component color; defaults to primary theme color
paginationColor?: MantineColor;
* Text to show while records are loading
loadingText?: string;
* Pagination text; defaults to ```({ from, to, totalRecords }) => `${from}-${to}/${totalRecords}`
* ```
paginationText?: (options: { from: number; to: number; totalRecords: number }) => ReactNode;
* Pagination wrap breakpoints; defaults to `sm`.
* Below this breakpoint the content will be displayed on multiple lines;
* above it the content will be displayed on a single line.
paginationWrapBreakpoint?: MantineNumberSize;
* Function that returns props object for pagination control; useful for improving accessibility
getPaginationControlProps?: (control: 'previous' | 'next') => Record<string, unknown>;
) &
export type DataTablePageSizeSelectorProps =
| {
onRecordsPerPageChange?: never;
recordsPerPageOptions?: never;
recordsPerPageLabel?: never;
| {
* Callback fired a new page size is selected
onRecordsPerPageChange: (recordsPerPage: number) => void;
* Array of options to show in records per page selector
recordsPerPageOptions: number[];
* Label for records per page selector
recordsPerPageLabel?: string;
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
import type { DataTableSortStatus } from './DataTableSortStatus';
export type DataTableSortProps =
| {
sortStatus?: never;
onSortStatusChange?: never;
sortIcons?: never;
| {
* Current sort status (sort column accessor & direction)
sortStatus: DataTableSortStatus;
* Callback fired after change of sort status
onSortStatusChange?: (sortStatus: DataTableSortStatus) => void;
* Custom sort icons
sortIcons?: {
* Icon to display when column is sorted ascending;
* will be rotated 180deg for descending sort
sorted: ReactNode;
* Icon to display when column is not sorted
unsorted: ReactNode;
export type DataTableSortStatus = {
* Sort column accessor; you can use dot-notation for nested objects property drilling
* (i.e. `` or ``)
columnAccessor: string;
* Sort direction; `asc` for ascending or `desc` for descending
direction: 'asc' | 'desc';
export type DataTableSelectionProps<T> =
| {
selectedRecords?: never;
onSelectedRecordsChange?: never;
isRecordSelectable?: never;
getRecordSelectionCheckboxProps?: never;
allRecordsSelectionCheckboxProps?: never;
| {
* Currently-selected records
selectedRecords?: T[];
* Callback fired when selected records change
onSelectedRecordsChange?: (selectedRecords: T[]) => void;
* A function used to determine whether a certain record is selectable;
* if the function returns false, the row selection checkbox is disabled
isRecordSelectable?: (record: T, index: number) => boolean;
* A function used to determine additional props of the row selection checkbox
getRecordSelectionCheckboxProps?: (record: T, index: number) => Record<string, unknown>;
* Additional props for the header checkbox that toggles selection of all records
allRecordsSelectionCheckboxProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
import type { MantineNumberSize, MantineShadow } from '@mantine/core';
import type { DataTableContextMenuItemProps } from './DataTableContextMenuItemProps';
export type DataTableContextMenuProps<T> = {
* Context menu trigger; defaults to `rightClick` for classic behavior
trigger?: 'rightClick' | 'click';
* Menu z-index; defaults to `3`
zIndex?: number;
* Menu border radius; defaults to `xs`
borderRadius?: MantineNumberSize;
* Menu shadow; defaults to `sm`
shadow?: MantineShadow;
* Boolean or a function accepting the current record and its index as arguments and returning a boolean value;
* if true, the menu will not be shown
hidden?: boolean | ((record: T, recordIndex: number) => boolean);
* Function accepting the current record and its index as arguments and returning the row menu items
items: (record: T, recordIndex: number) => DataTableContextMenuItemProps[];
import type { MantineColor } from '@mantine/core';
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
export type DataTableContextMenuItemProps =
| {
* Unique item key
key: string;
} & (
| {
* If true, insert an actions divider
divider: true;
icon?: never;
title?: never;
color?: never;
hidden?: never;
disabled?: never;
onClick?: never;
| {
divider?: never;
* Item icon
icon?: ReactNode;
* Item title; if not present, one will be generated by "humanizing"
* the provided item key
* (i.e. `viewRecord` -> `View record`)
title?: ReactNode;
* Item color
color?: MantineColor;
* if true, the menu item will not be shown
hidden?: boolean;
* if true, the menu item will be disabled
disabled?: boolean;
* Function to call when the menu item is clicked
onClick: () => void;
import type { Dispatch, ReactNode, SetStateAction } from 'react';
import type { DataTableRowExpansionCollapseProps } from './DataTableRowExpansionCollapseProps';
export type DataTableRowExpansionProps<T> = {
* Defines when rows should expand; defaults to `click`
trigger?: 'click' | 'always' | 'never';
* If true, multiple rows can be expanded at the same time
allowMultiple?: boolean;
* Function defining which records will be initially expanded;
* does nothing if `trigger === 'always'`
initiallyExpanded?: (record: T, recordIndex: number) => boolean;
* Additional properties passed to the Mantine Collapse component wrapping the custom content
collapseProps?: DataTableRowExpansionCollapseProps;
* An object defining the row expansion behavior in controlled mode
expanded?: {
* Currently expanded record IDs
recordIds: unknown[];
* Callback fired when expanded records change;
* receives an array containing the newly expanded record IDs
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
onRecordIdsChange?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<any[]>> | ((recordIds: unknown[]) => void);
* Function returning the custom content to be lazily rendered for an expanded row;
* accepts the current record and a `collapse()` callback that can be used to collapse the expanded row
content: (props: { record: T; recordIndex: number; collapse: () => void }) => ReactNode;
import type { CollapseProps } from '@mantine/core';
export type DataTableRowExpansionCollapseProps = Pick<
'animateOpacity' | 'transitionDuration' | 'transitionTimingFunction'
import type { MouseEvent } from 'react';
import type { DataTableColumn } from './DataTableColumn';
export type DataTableCellClickHandler<T> = (params: {
* Click event
event: MouseEvent;
* Clicked record
record: T;
* Clicked record index
recordIndex: number;
* Clicked column information
column: DataTableColumn<T>;
* Clicked column index
columnIndex: number;
}) => void;

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