import type { DefaultProps, MantineShadow, MantineTheme, ScrollAreaProps, Sx, TableProps } from '@mantine/core';import type { CSSProperties, Key, MouseEvent, ReactNode, RefObject } from 'react';import type {DataTableCellClickHandler,DataTableContextMenuProps,DataTableDefaultColumnProps,DataTableEmptyStateProps,DataTableOuterBorderProps,DataTablePaginationProps,DataTableRowExpansionProps,DataTableSelectionProps,DataTableSortProps,DataTableVerticalAlignment,} from './';import type { DataTableColumnProps } from './DataTableColumnProps';import type { DataTableLoaderProps } from './DataTableLoaderProps';export type DataTableProps<T> = {/*** Table height; defaults to `100%`*/height?: string | number;/*** Minimum table height*/minHeight?: string | number;/*** `DataTable` component shadow*/shadow?: MantineShadow;/*** If true, columns will have vertical borders*/withColumnBorders?: boolean;/*** Table border color, applied to the outer border, the header bottom border, and the pagination* footer top border; defaults to* `(theme) => (theme.colorScheme === 'dark' ? theme.colors.dark[4] : theme.colors.gray[3])`*/borderColor?: string | ((theme: MantineTheme) => string);/*** Row border color; defaults to* `(theme) => (theme.fn.rgba(theme.colorScheme === 'dark' ? theme.colors.dark[4] : theme.colors.gray[3], 0.65))`*/rowBorderColor?: string | ((theme: MantineTheme) => string);/*** If true, the user will not be able to select text*/textSelectionDisabled?: boolean;/*** Vertical alignment for row cells; defaults to `center`*/verticalAlignment?: DataTableVerticalAlignment;/*** If true, will show a loader with semi-transparent background, centered over the table*/fetching?: boolean;/*** If true, the last column will be pinned to the right side of the table.*/pinLastColumn?: boolean;/*** Default column props; will be merged with column props provided to each column*/defaultColumnProps?: DataTableDefaultColumnProps<T>;/*** If you want to use drag and drop as well as toggle to reorder and toggle columns* provide a unique key which will be used to store the column order in localStorage.*/storeColumnsKey?: string | undefined;/*** A default render function for all columns; accepts the current record, its index in `records`* and the column accessor*/defaultColumnRender?: (record: T, index: number, accesor: string) => ReactNode;/*** Accessor to use as unique record key; can be a string representing a property name* or a function receiving the current record and returning a unique value.* If you're providing a string, you can use dot-notation for nested objects property drilling* (i.e. `` or ``);* defaults to `id`*/idAccessor?: string | ((record: T) => Key);/*** Visible records; the `DataTable` component will try to infer its row type from here*/records?: T[];/*** Text to show on empty state and pagination footer when no records are available*/noRecordsText?: string;/*** If true, the table will not show the header with column titles*/noHeader?: boolean;/*** Function to call when a row cell is clicked*/onCellClick?: DataTableCellClickHandler<T>;/*** Function to call when a row is clicked, receiving the current record, its index in `records` and the click event*/onRowClick?: (record: T, recordIndex: number, event: MouseEvent) => void;/*** Function to call when the DataTable is scrolled to top*/onScrollToTop?: () => void;/*** Function to call when the DataTable is scrolled to bottom*/onScrollToBottom?: () => void;/*** Function to call when the DataTable is scrolled to left*/onScrollToLeft?: () => void;/*** Function to call when the DataTable is scrolled to right*/onScrollToRight?: () => void;/*** Defines a context-menu to show when user right-clicks or clicks on a row*/rowContextMenu?: DataTableContextMenuProps<T>;/*** Defines the row expansion behavior*/rowExpansion?: DataTableRowExpansionProps<T>;/*** Optional class name passed to each row; can be a string or a function* receiving the current record and its index as arguments and returning a string*/rowClassName?: string | ((record: T, recordIndex: number) => string | undefined);/*** Optional style passed to each row; can be a CSS properties object or* a function receiving the current record and its index as arguments and returning a CSS properties object*/rowStyle?: CSSProperties | ((record: T, recordIndex: number) => CSSProperties | undefined);/*** Optional style passed to each row; see*/rowSx?: Sx;/*** Optional function returning an object of custom attributes to be applied to each row in the table.* Receives the current record and its index as arguments.* Useful for adding data attributes, handling middle-clicks, etc.*/customRowAttributes?: (record: T, recordIndex: number) => Record<string, unknown>;/*** Ref pointing to the scrollable viewport element; useful for imperative scrolling*/scrollViewportRef?: RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;/*** Additional props passed to the underlying `ScrollArea` element*/scrollAreaProps?: Omit<ScrollAreaProps, 'classNames' | 'styles' | 'onScrollPositionChange'>;/*** Ref pointing to the table body element*/bodyRef?: ((instance: HTMLTableSectionElement | null) => void) | RefObject<HTMLTableSectionElement>;} & Pick<TableProps, 'striped' | 'highlightOnHover' | 'horizontalSpacing' | 'verticalSpacing' | 'fontSize'> &Omit<DefaultProps<'root' | 'header' | 'footer' | 'pagination', CSSProperties>,'unstyled' | 'p' | 'px' | 'py' | 'pt' | 'pb' | 'pl' | 'pr'> &DataTableColumnProps<T> &DataTableOuterBorderProps &DataTableLoaderProps &DataTableEmptyStateProps &DataTablePaginationProps &DataTableSortProps &DataTableSelectionProps<T>;
import type { DataTableColumn } from './DataTableColumn';import type { DataTableColumnGroup } from './DataTableColumnGroup';export type DataTableColumnProps<T> =| {/*** Grouped columns*/groups: readonly DataTableColumnGroup<T>[];columns?: never;}| {/*** Visible columns*/columns: DataTableColumn<T>[];groups?: never;};
import type { DataTableColumn } from './DataTableColumn';export type DataTableDefaultColumnProps<T> = Omit<DataTableColumn<T>,'accessor' | 'hidden' | 'visibleMediaQuery' | 'render'>;
import type { MantineTheme, Sx } from '@mantine/core';import type { CSSProperties, ReactNode } from 'react';import type { DataTableColumnTextAlignment } from './DataTableColumnTextAlignment';export type DataTableColumn<T> = {/*** Column accessor; you can use dot-notation for nested objects property drilling* (i.e. `` or ``)*/accessor: string;/*** Optional column header title; if not present, one will be generated by "humanizing"* the provided column accessor* (i.e. `firstName` -> `First name`; `user.firstName` -> `User first name`)*/title?: ReactNode;/*** Custom cell data render function accepting the current record and its index in `records`*/render?: (record: T, index: number) => ReactNode;/*** Column text alignment; defaults to `left`*/textAlignment?: DataTableColumnTextAlignment;/*** If true, column will be sortable*/sortable?: boolean;/*** If set to true, the column can be dragged.*/draggable?: boolean;/*** If set to true, the column can be toggled.*/toggleable?: boolean;/*** If set to true, the column can be resized.*/resizable?: boolean;/*** If set to true, the column will be toggled by default.*/defaultToggle?: boolean;/*** Optional node providing the user with filtering options.* If present, a filter button will be added to the column's header. Upon clicking that button,* a pop-over showing the provided node will be opened.** Alternatively, a function returning a node can be provided. The function receives props with a `close`* method which allows programmatically closing the pop-over.** ```tsx* // …* columns={[* {* accessor: 'name',* filter: ({ close }) => {* return <Stack>* <Button onClick={() => { setFilter(undefined); close(); }}>Reset</Button>* </Stack>* },* }* ]}* // …* ```** Note: this property only takes care of rendering the node which provides the filtering options.* It is assumed that the actual filtering is performed somewhere in user code.*/filter?: ReactNode | ((filterProps: { close: () => void }) => ReactNode);/*** If true, filter icon will be styled differently to indicate the filter is in effect.*/filtering?: boolean;/*** Desired column width*/width?: string | number;/*** If true, column will not be visible*/hidden?: boolean;/*** If set, the column will only be visible according to the specified media query*/visibleMediaQuery?: string | ((theme: MantineTheme) => string);/*** Optional class name passed to the column title*/titleClassName?: string;/*** Optional style passed to the column title*/titleStyle?: CSSProperties;/*** Optional style passed to the column title; see*/titleSx?: Sx;/*** Optional class name passed to each data cell in the column; can be a string or a function* receiving the current record and its index as arguments and returning a string*/cellsClassName?: string | ((record: T, recordIndex: number) => string | undefined);/*** Optional style passed to each data cell in the column; can be a CSS properties object or* a function receiving the current record and its index as arguments and returning a CSS properties object*/cellsStyle?: CSSProperties | ((record: T, recordIndex: number) => CSSProperties | undefined);/*** Optional style passed to each data cell in the column; see*/cellsSx?: Sx;/*** Optional function returning an object of custom attributes to be applied to each cell in the column.* Receives the current record and its index as arguments.* Useful for adding data attributes, handling middle-clicks, etc.*/customCellAttributes?: (record: T, recordIndex: number) => Record<string, unknown>;/*** Optional column footer content; if at least one column has a footer, the table will display a footer row*/footer?: ReactNode;/*** Optional class name passed to the column footer*/footerClassName?: string;/*** Optional style passed to the column footer*/footerStyle?: CSSProperties;/*** Optional style passed to the column footer; see*/footerSx?: Sx;} & (| {/*** If true, cell content in this column will be truncated with ellipsis as needed and will not wrap* to multiple lines.* (i.e. `overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis`; `white-space: nowrap`)* On a column you can either set this property or `noWrap` but not both.*/ellipsis?: boolean;noWrap?: never;}| {ellipsis?: never;/*** If true, cell content in this column will not wrap to multiple lines* (i.e. `white-space: nowrap`)* On a column you can either set this property or `ellipsis` but not both.*/noWrap?: boolean;});
import type { Sx } from '@mantine/core';import type { CSSProperties, ReactNode } from 'react';import type { DataTableColumn } from './DataTableColumn';export type DataTableColumnGroup<T> = {/*** Used as the `key` prop for the created `<th />`.*/id: string;/*** Component to render inside the column group header*/title?: ReactNode;/*** Columns which are part of the group.*/columns: readonly DataTableColumn<T>[];className?: string;sx?: Sx;style?: CSSProperties;};
export type DataTableColumnTextAlignment = 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
export type DataTableVerticalAlignment = 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom';
import type { MantineNumberSize } from '@mantine/core';export type DataTableOuterBorderProps =| {withBorder?: never;borderRadius?: never;}| {/*** If true, table will have border*/withBorder: boolean;/*** Table border radius*/borderRadius?: MantineNumberSize;};
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';export type DataTableEmptyStateProps =| {/*** Content to show when no records are available; the provided content* will be overlaid and centered automatically*/emptyState?: ReactNode;noRecordsIcon?: never;}| {emptyState?: never;/*** Icon to show when no records are available*/noRecordsIcon?: ReactNode;};
import type { DefaultMantineColor, MantineNumberSize, MantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';import type { ReactNode } from 'react';export type DataTableLoaderProps = {/*** Loader background blur (in pixels)*/loaderBackgroundBlur?: number;} & (| {loaderSize?: never;loaderVariant?: never;loaderColor?: never;/*** Custom loader component to use instead of default one*/customLoader?: ReactNode;}| {/*** Loader size; defaults to `lg`*/loaderSize?: MantineNumberSize;/*** Loader variant*/loaderVariant?: MantineTheme['loader'];/*** Loader color*/loaderColor?: DefaultMantineColor;customLoader?: never;});
import type { MantineColor, MantineNumberSize, MantineSize } from '@mantine/core';import type { ReactNode } from 'react';import type { DataTablePageSizeSelectorProps } from './DataTablePageSizeSelectorProps';export type DataTablePaginationProps = (| {page?: never;onPageChange?: never;totalRecords?: never;recordsPerPage?: never;paginationColor?: never;paginationSize?: never;loadingText?: never;paginationText?: never;paginationWrapBreakpoint?: never;getPaginationControlProps?: never;}| {/*** Current page number (1-based); if provided, a pagination component is shown*/page: number;/*** Callback fired after change of each page*/onPageChange: (page: number) => void;/*** Total number of records in the dataset*/totalRecords: number | undefined;/*** Number of records per page*/recordsPerPage: number;/*** Pagination component size; defaults to `sm`*/paginationSize?: MantineSize;/*** Pagination component color; defaults to primary theme color*/paginationColor?: MantineColor;/*** Text to show while records are loading*/loadingText?: string;/*** Pagination text; defaults to ```({ from, to, totalRecords }) => `${from}-${to}/${totalRecords}`* ```*/paginationText?: (options: { from: number; to: number; totalRecords: number }) => ReactNode;/*** Pagination wrap breakpoints; defaults to `sm`.* Below this breakpoint the content will be displayed on multiple lines;* above it the content will be displayed on a single line.*/paginationWrapBreakpoint?: MantineNumberSize;/*** Function that returns props object for pagination control; useful for improving accessibility*/getPaginationControlProps?: (control: 'previous' | 'next') => Record<string, unknown>;}) &DataTablePageSizeSelectorProps;
export type DataTablePageSizeSelectorProps =| {onRecordsPerPageChange?: never;recordsPerPageOptions?: never;recordsPerPageLabel?: never;}| {/*** Callback fired a new page size is selected*/onRecordsPerPageChange: (recordsPerPage: number) => void;/*** Array of options to show in records per page selector*/recordsPerPageOptions: number[];/*** Label for records per page selector*/recordsPerPageLabel?: string;};
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';import type { DataTableSortStatus } from './DataTableSortStatus';export type DataTableSortProps =| {sortStatus?: never;onSortStatusChange?: never;sortIcons?: never;}| {/*** Current sort status (sort column accessor & direction)*/sortStatus: DataTableSortStatus;/*** Callback fired after change of sort status*/onSortStatusChange?: (sortStatus: DataTableSortStatus) => void;/*** Custom sort icons*/sortIcons?: {/*** Icon to display when column is sorted ascending;* will be rotated 180deg for descending sort*/sorted: ReactNode;/*** Icon to display when column is not sorted*/unsorted: ReactNode;};};
export type DataTableSortStatus = {/*** Sort column accessor; you can use dot-notation for nested objects property drilling* (i.e. `` or ``)*/columnAccessor: string;/*** Sort direction; `asc` for ascending or `desc` for descending*/direction: 'asc' | 'desc';};
export type DataTableSelectionProps<T> =| {selectedRecords?: never;onSelectedRecordsChange?: never;isRecordSelectable?: never;getRecordSelectionCheckboxProps?: never;allRecordsSelectionCheckboxProps?: never;}| {/*** Currently-selected records*/selectedRecords?: T[];/*** Callback fired when selected records change*/onSelectedRecordsChange?: (selectedRecords: T[]) => void;/*** A function used to determine whether a certain record is selectable;* if the function returns false, the row selection checkbox is disabled*/isRecordSelectable?: (record: T, index: number) => boolean;/*** A function used to determine additional props of the row selection checkbox*/getRecordSelectionCheckboxProps?: (record: T, index: number) => Record<string, unknown>;/*** Additional props for the header checkbox that toggles selection of all records*/allRecordsSelectionCheckboxProps?: Record<string, unknown>;};
import type { MantineNumberSize, MantineShadow } from '@mantine/core';import type { DataTableContextMenuItemProps } from './DataTableContextMenuItemProps';export type DataTableContextMenuProps<T> = {/*** Context menu trigger; defaults to `rightClick` for classic behavior*/trigger?: 'rightClick' | 'click';/*** Menu z-index; defaults to `3`*/zIndex?: number;/*** Menu border radius; defaults to `xs`*/borderRadius?: MantineNumberSize;/*** Menu shadow; defaults to `sm`*/shadow?: MantineShadow;/*** Boolean or a function accepting the current record and its index as arguments and returning a boolean value;* if true, the menu will not be shown*/hidden?: boolean | ((record: T, recordIndex: number) => boolean);/*** Function accepting the current record and its index as arguments and returning the row menu items*/items: (record: T, recordIndex: number) => DataTableContextMenuItemProps[];};
import type { MantineColor } from '@mantine/core';import type { ReactNode } from 'react';export type DataTableContextMenuItemProps =| {/*** Unique item key*/key: string;} & (| {/*** If true, insert an actions divider*/divider: true;icon?: never;title?: never;color?: never;hidden?: never;disabled?: never;onClick?: never;}| {divider?: never;/*** Item icon*/icon?: ReactNode;/*** Item title; if not present, one will be generated by "humanizing"* the provided item key* (i.e. `viewRecord` -> `View record`)*/title?: ReactNode;/*** Item color*/color?: MantineColor;/*** if true, the menu item will not be shown*/hidden?: boolean;/*** if true, the menu item will be disabled*/disabled?: boolean;/*** Function to call when the menu item is clicked*/onClick: () => void;});
import type { Dispatch, ReactNode, SetStateAction } from 'react';import type { DataTableRowExpansionCollapseProps } from './DataTableRowExpansionCollapseProps';export type DataTableRowExpansionProps<T> = {/*** Defines when rows should expand; defaults to `click`*/trigger?: 'click' | 'always' | 'never';/*** If true, multiple rows can be expanded at the same time*/allowMultiple?: boolean;/*** Function defining which records will be initially expanded;* does nothing if `trigger === 'always'`*/initiallyExpanded?: (record: T, recordIndex: number) => boolean;/*** Additional properties passed to the Mantine Collapse component wrapping the custom content*/collapseProps?: DataTableRowExpansionCollapseProps;/*** An object defining the row expansion behavior in controlled mode*/expanded?: {/*** Currently expanded record IDs*/recordIds: unknown[];/*** Callback fired when expanded records change;* receives an array containing the newly expanded record IDs*/// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-anyonRecordIdsChange?: Dispatch<SetStateAction<any[]>> | ((recordIds: unknown[]) => void);};/*** Function returning the custom content to be lazily rendered for an expanded row;* accepts the current record and a `collapse()` callback that can be used to collapse the expanded row*/content: (props: { record: T; recordIndex: number; collapse: () => void }) => ReactNode;};
import type { CollapseProps } from '@mantine/core';export type DataTableRowExpansionCollapseProps = Pick<CollapseProps,'animateOpacity' | 'transitionDuration' | 'transitionTimingFunction'>;
import type { MouseEvent } from 'react';import type { DataTableColumn } from './DataTableColumn';export type DataTableCellClickHandler<T> = (params: {/*** Click event*/event: MouseEvent;/*** Clicked record*/record: T;/*** Clicked record index*/recordIndex: number;/*** Clicked column information*/column: DataTableColumn<T>;/*** Clicked column index*/columnIndex: number;}) => void;