
Examples › Basic table properties

The DataTable component exposes the basic properties of the internal Mantine Table component and implements a number of additional ones. Try customizing some of them interactively below:
Sipes IncStrategize magnetic vortals.280 Rigoberto DivideTwin FallsMT
Runolfsdottir - CummerataLeverage one-to-one methodologies.102 Konopelski GreensMissouri CityKY
Johnston LLCTransition wireless initiatives.230 Julie LakeHartfordKY
Crist and SonsRevolutionize out-of-the-box infomediaries.3387 Blick TurnpikeAttleboroWV
Schmidt and SonsOptimize bricks-and-clicks eyeballs.286 Leif LockColliervilleAL
No records
return (
{ accessor: 'name' },
{ accessor: 'missionStatement', width: 150 },
{ accessor: 'streetAddress' },
{ accessor: 'city' },
{ accessor: 'state' }
However, there’s much more you can do with Mantine DataTable.
Head over to the next example to discover other features.

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