Name | Street address | City | State |
Sipes Inc | 280 Rigoberto Divide | Twin Falls | MT |
Runolfsdottir - Cummerata | 102 Konopelski Greens | Missouri City | KY |
Johnston LLC | 230 Julie Lake | Hartford | KY |
Crist and Sons | 3387 Blick Turnpike | Attleboro | WV |
Schmidt and Sons | 286 Leif Lock | Collierville | AL |
Nicolas Group | 09622 Marcel Place | Highland | OR |
Kub and Sons | 8699 Upton Fords | East Providence | IN |
Jakubowski - Rolfson | 191 O'Connell Greens | San Rafael | MA |
Welch - Tremblay | 31622 Isobel Fall | Olathe | AR |
Mueller, Hodkiewicz and Beahan | 21751 Elisa Village | Grand Prairie | WA |
storeColumnsKey: 'your_key'
property to the DataTable;draggable: true
property to each Dragging candidate column;useDataTableColumns()
hook to get the sorted columns.import { DataTable, useDataTableColumns } from 'mantine-datatable';import { companies, type Company } from '~/data';import { Button, Group, Stack } from '@mantine/core';export default function DraggingExample() {const key = 'draggable-example';const { effectiveColumns, resetColumnsOrder } = useDataTableColumns<Company>({key,columns: [{ accessor: 'name', width: '40%', draggable: true },{ accessor: 'streetAddress', width: '60%', draggable: true },{ accessor: 'city', width: 160, ellipsis: true, draggable: true },{ accessor: 'state' },],});return (<Stack><DataTable withBorder withColumnBorders storeColumnsKey={key} records={companies} columns={effectiveColumns} /><Group position="right"><Button onClick={resetColumnsOrder}>Reset Column Order</Button></Group></Stack>);}
prop.Street Address | City | |
280 Rigoberto Divide | Twin Falls | MT |
102 Konopelski Greens | Missouri City | KY |
230 Julie Lake | Hartford | KY |
3387 Blick Turnpike | Attleboro | WV |
286 Leif Lock | Collierville | AL |
09622 Marcel Place | Highland | OR |
8699 Upton Fords | East Providence | IN |
191 O'Connell Greens | San Rafael | MA |
31622 Isobel Fall | Olathe | AR |
21751 Elisa Village | Grand Prairie | WA |
storeColumnsKey: 'your_key'
property to the DataTable;toggleable: true
property to each Toggling candidate column;useDataTableColumns()
hook to get the sorted columns.import { Button, Group, Stack, Text } from '@mantine/core';import { IconBuildingCommunity, IconBuildingSkyscraper, IconMap, IconRoadSign } from '@tabler/icons-react';import { DataTable, useDataTableColumns } from 'mantine-datatable';import { companies } from '~/data';export default function TogglingExample() {const key = 'toggleable-example';const { effectiveColumns, resetColumnsToggle } = useDataTableColumns({key,columns: [{accessor: 'name',title: (<Group spacing={4} mt={-1}><IconBuildingSkyscraper size={16} /><Text inherit mt={1}>Company</Text></Group>),width: '40%',toggleable: true,defaultToggle: false,},{accessor: 'streetAddress',title: (<Group spacing={4} mt={-1}><IconRoadSign size={16} /><Text inherit mt={1}>Street Address</Text></Group>),width: '60%',toggleable: true,},{accessor: 'city',title: (<Group spacing={4} mt={-1}><IconBuildingCommunity size={16} /><Text inherit mt={1}>City</Text></Group>),width: 160,toggleable: true,},{accessor: 'state',width: 40,textAlignment: 'right',title: (<Group position="right"><IconMap size={16} /></Group>),},],});return (<Stack><DataTable withBorder withColumnBorders storeColumnsKey={key} records={companies} columns={effectiveColumns} /><Group position="right"><Button onClick={resetColumnsToggle}>Reset Column Toggled</Button></Group></Stack>);}
defaultToggle: false
propertyName | Street address | City | State |
Sipes Inc | 280 Rigoberto Divide | Twin Falls | MT |
Runolfsdottir - Cummerata | 102 Konopelski Greens | Missouri City | KY |
Johnston LLC | 230 Julie Lake | Hartford | KY |
Crist and Sons | 3387 Blick Turnpike | Attleboro | WV |
Schmidt and Sons | 286 Leif Lock | Collierville | AL |
Nicolas Group | 09622 Marcel Place | Highland | OR |
Kub and Sons | 8699 Upton Fords | East Providence | IN |
Jakubowski - Rolfson | 191 O'Connell Greens | San Rafael | MA |
Welch - Tremblay | 31622 Isobel Fall | Olathe | AR |
Mueller, Hodkiewicz and Beahan | 21751 Elisa Village | Grand Prairie | WA |
import { IconColumnRemove, IconColumns3 } from '@tabler/icons-react';import { DataTable, useDataTableColumns } from 'mantine-datatable';import { companies } from '~/data';export default function DraggingTogglingResetExample() {const key = 'toggleable-reset-example';const { effectiveColumns, resetColumnsOrder, resetColumnsToggle } = useDataTableColumns({key,columns: [{ accessor: 'name', width: '40%', toggleable: true, draggable: true },{ accessor: 'streetAddress', width: '60%', toggleable: true, draggable: true },{ accessor: 'city', width: 160, ellipsis: true, toggleable: true, draggable: true },{ accessor: 'state' },],});return (<DataTablewithBorderwithColumnBordersstoreColumnsKey={key}records={companies}columns={effectiveColumns}rowContextMenu={{items: () => [{key: 'reset-toggled-columns',icon: <IconColumnRemove size={16} />,onClick: resetColumnsToggle,},{key: 'reset-columns-order',icon: <IconColumns3 size={16} />,onClick: resetColumnsOrder,},],}}/>);}
Name | Street address | City | State |
Crist and Sons | 3387 Blick Turnpike | Attleboro | WV |
Jakubowski - Rolfson | 191 O'Connell Greens | San Rafael | MA |
Johnston LLC | 230 Julie Lake | Hartford | KY |
Kub and Sons | 8699 Upton Fords | East Providence | IN |
Mueller, Hodkiewicz and Beahan | 21751 Elisa Village | Grand Prairie | WA |
Nicolas Group | 09622 Marcel Place | Highland | OR |
Runolfsdottir - Cummerata | 102 Konopelski Greens | Missouri City | KY |
Schmidt and Sons | 286 Leif Lock | Collierville | AL |
Sipes Inc | 280 Rigoberto Divide | Twin Falls | MT |
Welch - Tremblay | 31622 Isobel Fall | Olathe | AR |
import { IconColumnRemove, IconColumns3 } from '@tabler/icons-react';import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy';import { DataTable, DataTableSortStatus, useDataTableColumns } from 'mantine-datatable';import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';import { companies, type Company } from '~/data';export default function DraggingTogglingComplexExample() {const key = 'draggable-toggleable-complex-example';const [sortStatus, setSortStatus] = useState<DataTableSortStatus>({columnAccessor: 'name',direction: 'asc',});const [records, setRecords] = useState(sortBy(companies, 'name'));useEffect(() => {const data = sortBy(companies, sortStatus.columnAccessor) as Company[];setRecords(sortStatus.direction === 'desc' ? data.reverse() : data);}, [sortStatus]);const { effectiveColumns, resetColumnsOrder, resetColumnsToggle } = useDataTableColumns({key,columns: [{ accessor: 'name', width: '40%', toggleable: true, draggable: true, sortable: true },{ accessor: 'streetAddress', width: '60%', toggleable: true, draggable: true },{ accessor: 'city', width: 160, ellipsis: true, toggleable: true, draggable: true },{ accessor: 'state' },],});return (<DataTablewithBorderwithColumnBordersstoreColumnsKey={key}records={records}columns={effectiveColumns}sortStatus={sortStatus}onSortStatusChange={setSortStatus}rowContextMenu={{items: () => [{key: 'reset-toggled-columns',icon: <IconColumnRemove size={16} />,onClick: resetColumnsToggle,},{key: 'reset-columns-order',icon: <IconColumns3 size={16} />,onClick: resetColumnsOrder,},],}}/>);}