Examples › Basic configuration

The ContextMenuProvider component accepts the following props that are used as default values for the context menu container:

  • zIndex: number → defaults to 9999
  • shadow: MantineShadow → defaults to sm (see Mantine Paper docs)
  • borderRadius: MantineSize → defaults to xs (see Mantine Paper docs)
return (
  <ContextMenuProvider zIndex={5000} shadow="md" borderRadius="md">

The zIndex value can be overridden by setting the zIndex property to the options object passed as the second argument to the showContextMenu function returned by the useContextMenu hook:

const { showContextMenu } = useContextMenu();
// ...
return (
          key: 'copy',
          onClick: () => copyImageToClipboard(src),
          key: 'download',
          onClick: () => downloadImage(src),
      { zIndex: 3000 }

Right-click on the image to trigger the context menu:

Picture by Michael Sum | Mantine ContextMenu

Picture by Michael Sum

Head over to the next example to discover other features.