Examples › Row dragging

Starting with v7.11.3, Mantine DataTable also supports row dragging (implemented with @hello-pangea/dnd library in this PR).
Here is how you would implement it in your project:

'use client';

import { DragDropContext, Draggable, type DropResult, Droppable } from '@hello-pangea/dnd';
import { TableTd } from '@mantine/core';
import { notifications } from '@mantine/notifications';
import { IconGripVertical } from '@tabler/icons-react';
import { DataTable, DataTableColumn, DataTableDraggableRow } from 'mantine-datatable';
import { useState } from 'react';
import companies from '~/data/companies.json';

interface RecordData {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  streetAddress: string;
  city: string;
  state: string;
  missionStatement: string;

export function RowDraggingExample() {
  const [records, setRecords] = useState<RecordData[]>(companies);

  const handleDragEnd = (result: DropResult) => {
    if (!result.destination) return;

    const items = Array.from(records);
    const sourceIndex = result.source.index;
    const destinationIndex = result.destination.index;
    const [reorderedItem] = items.splice(sourceIndex, 1);
    items.splice(destinationIndex, 0, reorderedItem);

      title: 'Table reordered',
      message: `The company named "${items[sourceIndex].name}" has been moved from position ${sourceIndex + 1} to ${destinationIndex + 1}.`,
      color: 'blue',

  const columns: DataTableColumn<RecordData>[] = [
    // add empty header column for the drag handle
    { accessor: '', hiddenContent: true, width: 30 },
    { accessor: 'name', width: 150 },
    { accessor: 'streetAddress', width: 150 },
    { accessor: 'city', width: 150 },
    { accessor: 'state', width: 150 },

  return (
    <DragDropContext onDragEnd={handleDragEnd}>
        tableWrapper={({ children }) => (
          <Droppable droppableId="datatable">
            {(provided) => (
              <div {...provided.droppableProps} ref={provided.innerRef}>
        styles={{ table: { tableLayout: 'fixed' } }}
        rowFactory={({ record, index, rowProps, children }) => (
          <Draggable key={record.id} draggableId={record.id} index={index}>
            {(provided, snapshot) => (
              <DataTableDraggableRow isDragging={snapshot.isDragging} {...rowProps} {...provided.draggableProps}>
                {/** custom drag handle */}
                <TableTd {...provided.dragHandleProps} ref={provided.innerRef}>
                  <IconGripVertical size={16} />

The code above will produce the following result:

Street address
Feest, Bogan and Herzog21716 Ratke DriveStromanportWY
Cummerata - Kuhlman6389 Dicki StreamSouth GateNH
Goyette Inc8873 Mertz RapidDorthysideID
Runte Inc2996 Ronny MountMcAllenMA
Goldner, Rohan and Lehner632 Broadway AvenueNorth LouieWY
Doyle, Hodkiewicz and O'Connell576 Joyce WaysTyraburghKS
Rau - O'Hara7508 Lansdowne RoadShieldsboroughMI
Tillman - Jacobi57918 Gwendolyn CirclesSheridanportMI
Connelly, Feest and Hodkiewicz7057 Stanley RoadKearaburghCA
Shanahan, Robel and Beier378 Berta CrescentWest GerryKS
Kling - McLaughlin8346 Kertzmann SquareSouth JoesphID
Jogi - McLaughlin83462 Shazam StreetNorth JoesphID
Jogi - McLaughlin83462 Shazam StreetNorth JoesphID
No records