The table component
for your data-rich
Mantine applications
trusted by awesome companies and developers
compatible with Mantine V7
old version compatible with Mantine V6 available here

Mantine DataTable is a lightweight, dependency-free component that brings datagrid-like functionality to your data-rich user interfaces, with dark-mode support and intuitive Gmail-style additive batch rows selection out of the box.
Lightweight yet customizable
Supports asynchronous data loading, pagination, intuitive rows selection, column sorting, custom cell data rendering, context menus, row expansion, nesting, drag-and-drop reordering support and more
Typescript based
The entire codebase is written in TypeScript, options are well typed and documented with JSDoc, so you can build type safe applications with confidence
Free and open-source
This package is released under the MIT license, same as Mantine, so you can freely build fantastic data-rich applications with it