import type { ClassNames, MantineColor, MantineNumberSize, MantineShadow, Styles, Sx } from '@mantine/core';import type { CSSProperties, MouseEventHandler, ReactNode } from 'react';export type ContextMenuOptions = {/*** zIndex of context menu* @default 9999*/zIndex?: number;/*** Context menu shadow* @default 'sm'*/shadow?: MantineShadow;/*** Context menu border radius* @default 'xs'*/borderRadius?: MantineNumberSize;/*** Context menu container className*/className?: string;/*** Context menu container style*/style?: CSSProperties;/*** Context menu container sx* @see*/sx?: Sx | (Sx | undefined)[];/*** Context menu elements classNames; an object with `root`, `item` and `divider` keys and class names as values* @see*/classNames?: ClassNames<'root' | 'item' | 'divider'>;/*** Context menu styles; can be an object with `root`, `item` and `divider` keys and `CSSProperties` as values,* or a function that accepts the current theme and returns a styles object*/styles?: Styles<'root' | 'item' | 'divider', CSSProperties>;};export type ContextMenuProviderProps = ContextMenuOptions & {children: ReactNode;};export type ContextMenuItemOptions = {/*** Unique key of the context menu item or divider*/key: string;/*** Context menu item or divider className*/className?: string;/*** Context menu item or divider sx* @see*/sx?: Sx | (Sx | undefined)[];/*** Context menu item or divider style*/style?: CSSProperties;} & (| ({/*** Optional context menu item icon*/icon?: ReactNode;/*** Optional context menu item title; if not provided, one will be generated automatically by "humanizing" the key* @default humanize(key)*/title?: ReactNode;/*** Optional context menu item color*/color?: MantineColor;/*** Boolean indicating whether the context menu item is disabled*/disabled?: boolean;} & (| {/*** Optional context menu item `onClick` handler; if not provided, a divider will be rendered instead*/onClick: MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>;items?: never;}| {onClick?: never;/*** Optional items; if provided, a submenu will be rendered*/items: ContextMenuItemOptions[];}))| {icon?: never;title?: never;color?: never;disabled?: never;onClick?: never;items?: never;});export type ContextMenuContent = ContextMenuItemOptions[] | ((close: () => void) => JSX.Element);/*** Show context menu function*/export type ShowContextMenuFunction = (/*** Context menu content - either an array of context menu items* or a function that accepts a close callback and returns context menu content*/content: ContextMenuContent,/*** Context menu options (overrides provider options)*/options?: ContextMenuOptions) => MouseEventHandler;/*** Hide context menu function*/export type HideContextMenuFunction = () => void;export interface ShowContextMenuFunctionObject extends ShowContextMenuFunction {/*** A function that shows the context menu*/showContextMenu: ShowContextMenuFunction;/*** A function that hides the context menu*/hideContextMenu: HideContextMenuFunction;/*** Boolean indicating whether the context menu is visible*/isContextMenuVisible: boolean;}