Switch theme

The context menu
for your Mantine

built by the author of Mantine DataTable
this version supports Mantine V6; the new version supporting Mantine V7 is available here .
Mantine ContextMenu
Design your applications for productivity and meet your users’ expectations by enhancing your UIs with desktop-grade context menus.
Lightweight yet customizable
Features a succinct API, respects the Mantine dark mode and can be easily customized by providing your own content instead of using the default generated menu items
Typescript based
The entire codebase is written in TypeScript, options are well typed and documented with JSDoc, so you can build type safe applications with confidence
Free and open-source
This package is released under the MIT license, same as Mantine library, so you can freely build fantastic data-rich applications with it
Use anywhere
You can use it in any modern React framework supported by Mantine, such as Next.js, Vite, Create React App, Remix or Gatsby
MIT LicenseSponsor the author
Built by Ionut-Cristian Florescu, the author of Mantine DataTable.
Please sponsor my work if you find it useful.
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